3D Tower, APP and ACC Simulator Delivery for LVNL, the Netherlands
October 16th, 2024
LVNL in the Netherlands decided this spring to expand its ATC training facilities at Schiphol with a cloud-based 3D Tower/APP/ACC ATC controller training solution. The Edda Systems’ eCoach simulator was selected for the task. One of the requirements for the system was the capability to interconnect with already existing training facilities in Europe, for seamless training across sites.
The initial installation was ready at Schiphol in August 2024. With official opening on the 20th of September.
See: LinkedIn eCoach simulator to LVNL
The system is based on Edda Systems’ “ATC Simulation Anywhere” technology, a cloud-based solution enabling LVNL to have its training spread in different physical locations but still working as a unit. All working positions and tower-cabins can be accessed and included into one large simulator-system – operating seamlessly, across the physical locations.
It includes tower, approach and area control positions in addition to simulator pilots and Instructors in the facilities.
“A positive step towards improving the training of air traffic controllers at LVNL with the advanced simulator from Edda Systems”
Monique Diepenbroek (LVNL, ATMS – SIM)
Edda Systems
is a Norwegian ATC simulator vendor – with world-wide distribution – operational since 2005. The eCoach ATC training simulator portfolio can be configured to support virtually any type of air traffic services (ATS) training – from the largest training facilities with TWR, APP and Area control combined, to the smallest. This also includes complete 3D simulator facilities for Remote Tower configurations.