eCoach ATC Training Simulator Delivered to GATS-DK
February 27, 2019

Global ATS Denmark (GATS-DK) has been established as a fully operational ATS Training centre at Copenhagen Airport in Denmark.
With the eCoach ATC simulator solution from Norwegian Edda Systems AS, GATS-DK can train air traffic control in all disciplines.
“The choice of ATC simulator from Edda Systems has proven to meet all our objectives both concerning installation and service with improvements,” says Mr Dirch Jans, part owner and initiator of Global ATS Denmark.
The simulator centre was established in less than four weeks. The first training session started immediately after.
“With the eCoach ATC simulator we can train ground, tower, approach, and area controllers in addition to FISO in one large setup, maximising the flexibility of our simulators and improving the realism in training, “says Mr Mikkel Skjold Hansen, head of training at Global ATS Denmark.
“The intuitive and efficient simulator pilot user interface allows a minimum use of human resources, e.g. the handling of formation flights are astonishing, before we had to handle each flight in the formation, with Edda Systems we can split up formations to have overhead break with one input. Edda Systems is always prepared to meet our detailed requests for tailored functionality in impressive delivery times” – says Mr Anders Ekander Munch, simulator manager and instructor at Global ATS Denmark.
“The 3D Tower training environment is highly realistic. The 3D 360° tower simulation with our high-end laser projectors and our 180° LCD screen solution in combination with Edda Systems eCoach provides excellent training efficiency due to the realistic modelling. This is giving real tower separation possibilities even for advanced MIL operations, with helicopters landing ‘off-runway’, formations etc,” says Mr Mikkel Skjold Hansen, head of training at Global ATS Denmark.
“The easy to use, even offsite, eCoach Design tool, dramatically reduces the time spent creating training exercises,” says Mr Ander Ekander Munch, simulation manager and instructor at Global ATS Denmark.